Information about USPS (United States Postal Service) packages
It is important to know that when the tracking of your package on the purchase page or the USPS page is marked as "Delivered", this means that it was delivered to the nearest Domex Miami post office in zone 33166.
The "Delivered" status does not mean that your package is at Domex Miami. Once it has this status, the package could take from 2 to 5 business days to be received at Domex Miami and registered in your account.
It must be remembered that the USPS in several areas does not have mobile devices to make deliveries and mark them in real time, so these deliveries will not request signatures as proof of receipt. Outside contractors are used in many cases to make final deliveries or what we call "last mile" deliveries. Therefore, once we know that our package is marked as "Delivered" we must wait from 2 to 5 days for it to be physically delivered to the Domex Miami warehouse.
In addition, it may also be the case that the supplier (purchase website) initially sends your order by UPS or Fedex, but it is completed by the USPS. In these cases your order would have 2 trackings that could be reviewed to know the final status of your package.
If you want to know a little more about USPS delivery and shipping services, you can click here for more information.
In the event that your package has not been delivered within 5 days from when it was marked as delivered to the Miami postal zone, you can proceed to create a claim directly from the USPS website, super easy and fast.
Through this claim, a team of experts will begin an investigation to locate the package, which may have been stuck at the post office or delivered to another address by mistake. Once it is located and delivered to the correct address, the USPS team will contact you via mail.
Here is the link to create this non-delivery claim. USPS - Missing Mail